Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

A few weeks ago, we drove a few blocks from our home to see a bunch of baby lambs that had just been born this spring. There was a whole barn full of them and some "Mama's" waiting to give birth. Most sheep give birth to two lambs at a time (which I didn't know) and it's not unusual for them to have triplets. I totally could feel their pain. They were HUGE! The baby lambs were so cute. The kids loved it! We'll definitely go back next year!

Macy took this picture. Not bad for a 3 year old!

Nicholas "B-aaa-ing" at the sheep.

This was the view from the sheep barn! These mountains (hills) are in our backyard. They are so beautiful, especially this time of year!

1 comment:

Kyle and Marci said...

That is too cute! Your family is so beautiful! You are only a couple of hours from us! When the sun shines, it is the best! I love how your baby can already have pig tails!