Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break Visitors!

Mark's sister, Heather and her husband, Jason, came to visit us over their Spring Break! We had such a great time with them and drank lots of Cokes and ate lots of candy. We are so glad they were able to make it despite the fact they they missed their flight after Heather was denied a boarding pass since her driver license had expired three weeks ago on her birthday. They ran to the DMV in Salt Lake and made it back to the airport just 10 minutes shy of when their flight was suppose to leave. Airport officials still would not let them on. Luckily, they got on a flight that afternoon. We had a great weekend with them! We took them to see Multnomah Falls and to the Newport Coast. We also did some shopping in Lincoln City and ate at Moe's (famous for their clam chowder).

Heather was such a trooper (despite being deathly sick in her first trimester). She and Karlee would cuddle up on the couch and sleep together. Karlee misses you, Aunt Heather! So do we! Thanks for the great visit! We can't wait for Depoe Bay next year with the little one!!!! :-)

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