Thursday, May 29, 2008

Swans, Pool, BBQ, and Friends!

Swans, pool, BBQ and friends pretty much wraps up our Memorial Day weekend. Saturday afternoon, we drove to Sumter, South Carolina to see the Iris Festival at Swan Lake with our friends who are moving to Washtington D.C. this week. We had a great day together! The lake is absolutely gorgeous and the irises were in full bloom. It was fun feeding the swans and watching them chase each other around. I never knew swans could be so aggressive! We saw ducks and baby ducks and turtles. It was a gorgeous day to be out!

Mark was determined to get himself some fried food while we were there. It was a festival after all. He settled for a strawberry smoothie, a funnel cake and a corn dog (none of which can be good for you). Yet he was still hungry! It'll be good to get Mark away from the South. I don't think they eat fried food in Oregon, just organic!

Then on Memorial day, we took all the kids swimming to the pool at our apartment complex. It was such a gorgeous day here in the South! As you can see, Macy would only dangle her feet by the pool's edge. The water was pretty cold so I don't blame her for not wanting to get in! She didn't go much father than this. Mark DID get her in to the water but not without some kicking and screaming! Nick on the other hand, LOVED it! The cold water didn't even phase him. The kid is a heater so it was probably relief for him! Karlee was not a fan!

Later that night, we went to BBQ with friends. Hamburgers, potato salad, spinach dip, chips and watermelon...isn't this really what Memorial Day is all about! I ate to my heart's content! Yum!


Whitney B. Balls said...

Lindsey! I am so glad that we can keep in touch better now and oh my what a beautiful family you have. Twins! I can't believe it, you look like a busy woman but I am positive you are a great mother. I would love to see you when you are here in July. We are leaving for Florida in two weeks but will be home the 27th of June so we will be here! That would be great! Thanks for writing and I am so glad I got to see your little girls and guy! Whit


Is it weird that you are on the count down to move? I bet you will miss where you are at but I am sure it will be nice to settle. What month is it that you leave?
Looks like you had a fun Memorial Day. Spence was missing the Memorial Tournament that the boys would go to in Ohio. The great memories we made there! We miss you guys!


Ok, so I just saw the darling slideshow, and read how you guys move in July! How exciting! Good luck with everything.

Alyssa said...

I love the pic of Mark in front of all those signs, very funny. It's kind of ironic you went with Cynthia because she's the one who told me about Swan Lake and then I told you--Cute pic of Macy with her popsicle too, shes so photogenic!

Kyle and Marci said...

Your family so pretty! I hope that you like to Northwest. At least where we live we don't have a lot of sun. I hope that is not the case for you in Corvalis. At least you will be closer to your mom and dad. Your kids are gorgeous!!!!! And so are you!!

Mike and Erin Hale said...

Linds, I can't believe how big Macy is! She is a little girl. Your kids are all so adorable! We totally miss you guys so much. Sounds like you had one fun weekend!

emandtrev said...

I meant to post a comment on this one before, but didn't! Here I am again. :) You have such a beautiful family--it looks like you guys had a great time. I'm right there with you (and Mark) on the awesome food available in the South. Good stuff!

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

I love all the pics lindz. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Macy's swimsuit! I also love your family pics! To die for! I'll talk to you soon!