Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Karlee Rolls Over!

Of course, Karlee would be the first to roll over! She IS my scooter-bug! I've spent the last two days coming to her rescue to roll her back over, since she only does so good on her stomach for so long. She has ALMOST conquered rolling from her stomach to her back, but not quite! She is so funny though...the second, I roll her back over, she rolls right back on to her stomach and the fun starts all over again for me and her! Isn't she cute, though? I don't know what to do with her hair except let it grow! It's her signature!Here again, Karlee on her stomach and Nick just chillin'. Who knows when this guy will start rolling! He hasn't even attempted! He's much more interested in toys and fascinated with his hands to even realize he can move. Karlee, on the other hand, is not in to the toys so much. These two are so different! It's so fun seeing them together! I am just loving it!


Laura said...

sounds about right! girls are fast; boys are least at my house. i constantly have to remind myself that sam and magei are totally different and he will get around to doing things when he feels like it!

Alyssa said...

"Don't Blink"...or they'll grow up too fast! Hey, where's the pick of Nick with his cute mohawk? He was SO cute on Sunday!! (I mean so was Karlee)

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

SO CUTE! Yeah for Karlee! I can't believe her! Nick is going to take his sweet time which is usual for boys and husbands!!! They are so freakin cute lindz! I was loving the concert too! Hello! I played the video over and over again to leave life at home for awhile! I am so glad you got out and those cute girls! I can imagine how fun they were to go with! I think I met all of them right? Way to update the post! You look amazing and I love that shirt!

Jamie said...

Looks like you are keeping busy with the kiddos. I can't believe Karlee is already moving around. They are both darling.
Don't you just girls night out? I wish you lived closer so we (with our closet blogger, Julie---wink, wink) could have one.

Ben and Michelle said...

Karlee sounds really cute. I wish you guys were still here in Ohio. It would of been fun seeing your little ones in action.

Ben and Michelle said...

Happy Mothers Day!!

Kade and Katie said...

so cute! my little tage is doing the same thing as karlee. it sounds like they are so alike in the fact that they just need to move ALL the time. isn't it crazy how fast it goes. believe me though, there were times i thought i would never sleep again...i can't even imagine with two! but they are so adorable, i love to see the latest pics of them. that little nick is a big kid...karlee will need him around to fight off her boy fans i'm sure! too cute!

emilyy said...

I love Karlee's cute little outfit. Molly has the same one.

emandtrev said...

Oh, they are ADORABLE! I can't believe how fast they're growing!