Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My little Macy!

Macy is such the poser! She is getting so big and has become very independent and stubborn. You wouldn't ever think so from the sweet little picture above! I've had to learn what battles are worth fighting with her, like when she insists on wearing the same dress day after day or when she wants to wear her Sunday shoes to the park. It drives me crazy but I've learned to let things like that go. I've never seen one so determined to do things by herself. She insists on dressing herself and if I even try to help her because I see her struggling I get told "No, Mom, let me try" or "No, I'm trying to help you!" (which doesn't make sense but it's what I say to her when I'm really trying to help her). Yet she has the cutest personality. She always comments on my hair when I do it or when I put on a cute shirt or dress. She'll say "So pretty, Mom! I love it!" in the sweetest, most sincere voice. She is such the little princess too. She always wants to wear a dress and if we go anywhere, she runs to get her purse. Like mother like daughter! What a little doll, though! We sure love her!


Kandice said...

Just wait....the older they get the harder they get! Half the time Rachel looks like she is homeless because she WILL NOT let me do her hair or put on normal clothes, I am really starting to wonder why I even buy her clothes!

There comes a point where I do want to leave the house and if she is going to look like a bum.....well that is just how it will have to be!

Macy is darling and she always looks SO cute in every picture.

Brad and Lezlee Strong said... have been busy! I am so loving it! I almost cried watching the video of macy! I love her dancing. Luke is going around in circles with no one to follow around and so he just stops!! I love how she is so passionate about being girly! She is beautiful and I miss her so much.

And NO you couldn't post enough pictures of your twins. They have gotten so much bigger since I left! SOOOO CUTE! I loved every picture.

I have loved watching macy's personality develop and it makes me that much more excited to see what the twins develop!! There little quirks and to see what makes them happy or what makes them mad. I am sure you miss "thomas and friends" every five seconds!!

way to go on the blog!

Alyssa said...

How cute! Wish I could've been at that tea party :) The little/big people stage (as I call it) is my favorite--I love that she compliments you on your hair and outfits--TOO cute!

Brian Adair Fam said...

Macy and Paige are so much alike!!! It's almost scary! Macy is so cute and I love the video of her dancing. We're very into Enchanted also! Such a cute movie. Paige always plays with her princess dolls and tells me that they are going to have a "true love's kiss" someday. You have to love little girls!

Erin Davis said...

Your kids are so adorable. I love that she is such a princess. Hopefully one day we will stop having princes and have a pretty little princess!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey she is so adorable! I am glad she is helping you. Keith and I love you guys and miss you!!! You are my child raising hero. :)

Katrina said...

I can't believe how well you handle being a mother of a two year old and twins -- how do you do it? I love reading your blog - you always have such fun things posted and the cutest pictures of your kids. I need to be better at taking more pictures of Garrett. Already Cole has far more than Garrett at this age, even though I swore I would keep them the same. I just need to keep the camera handy!

The Morris Family said...

She is getting so big & is turning into a darling little girl. I love that she ahs to do everythin by herself, b/c Peyton is the same way. The pictures of the twins are so cute. You're amazing!!