Sunday, March 13, 2011


Macy had the opportunity to show off her cartwheels and handstands before the Oregon State University's Gymnastic meet. It took a little convincing when I first told her I had signed her up and that she would be performing in front of a lot of people, but after a few practices, she could hardly wait (let alone sleep at night)! She did GREAT! This girl loves to flip!

Nicholas & Karlee showing Macy their support!

This little girl was especially happy to be there! She can't wait to be "BIGGER" so she can do gymnastics like Macy.

The popcorn helped entertain!

Macy getting ready! She is on the far left.

This was such a positive experience for Macy! It's exciting to see her so passionate about the sport and for her to see how hard work and practice really pays off!

1 comment:

Malinovka said...

That is so awesome! Eric took the girls to an OSU gymnastics meet yesterday, and they were trying their own floor routines when they got home. We can't wait to get them in a class this spring.