I can't believe my little girl is 5!!! It's like over-night she just grew up and turned in to this little girl who loves to rock out to Hannah Montana. She is full of spunk & that is why I love her so much! She is my best little friend who loves to give me advice, clothes shop and hide out in my closet with me to paint toe nails while Nicholas and Karlee nap. She's beautiful and smart, sweet and tender hearted with a little sass and a whole lot of silliness. I am so grateful for such a wonderful daughter and so lucky she came first. She is the BEST big sister and a great "little mom." Nicholas and Karlee adore her. We all think she is pretty special!
The morning of Macy's birthday was filled with opening presents and decorating cakes. The kids pitched in and went heavy on the sprinkles and ate way too much frosting.
Macy requested a butterfly cake. Youtube, thank you for making this so easy!
Macy couldn't wait to open presents.
This Barbie microphone that plugs in to your ipod was one of her favorite presents. This girl loves to sing!
To make her birthday extra special, we took Macy down to Build-A-Bear in Eugene where she got to pick out her very own bear. She'd been dreaming about this day for a very long time!
Filling the bear with fluff.
Rubbing the new bear's heart to get it pumping!
Washing and fluffying the bears!

Happy Birthday, Macy! You are so sweet!
HAapy Birthday Macy!! She is so precious!
Wow! She is looking SO grown up! Such a doll!
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