Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First REAL Day of Kindergarten

Macy had her first "REAL" day of Kindergarten and she loved it! She is acting so "grown up" lately, it's killing me! After big hugs and kisses good-bye, I left my little girl in her big classroom. She never even looked back. I am so proud of her but sad too! This is a brand new start for her and she is so excited about everything! I hear about all the kids that she knows and plays with on the playground and how she can't wait to ride the bus home (I'm easing in to the idea). What is everybody's feelings on that? I think I'm okay with letting her ride the bus home, since it would have only kindergartners on it but I can't tell how I feel about having her ride with the 5th graders to school. All in all, I am so proud of this girl!

Sitting at her assigned table.

Hugs good-bye

Finding a friend after class

Macy drawing her new kindergarten teacher


Alyssa said...

So cute! She is SO grown up--I can't get over it!

Kim L said...

Hi Lindsey,

I am in right there with you! You must go read my blog about Savannah's kindergarten adventures! I swear when I read yours I felt like I was reading exactly how I felt! :) Good luck Macy in your first year of "real school"!!

The Tureks said...

SO CUTE! Matt and I both can't believe how much of "big girl" Macy has become from the little kid that we knew here in SC. Bus.....I don't know. Is our little girl that big???? lol Maybe bus home with the kindies only bus there may be too scary....I'm just overprotective already. I've only been a mom for 4 months so I haven't had time to get used to the idea of school much less buses.

Joseph & Tracy Larsen said...


I was so happy to stumble upon your blog! It is so fun to see your beautiful family. We sure miss you guys!

Tracy Larsen