Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy St. Patricks Day

I made these fun rainbow cupcakes for Macy's preschool class treat. I got the idea from the March Family Fun magazine. They were a little labor intensive but not too bad. The real surprise was when you cut into them and saw the rainbow. I frosted them with rainbow chip frosting. Yum!


Malinovka said...

I saw those too and thought they would be fun. We didn't do ANYTHING but wear green and have corned beef and cabbage. I better step it up HUGE for Easter!

Joni said...

Yours turned out better than ours did. :)

Hey, It's me...Jessica said...

How fabulous are those! Really pretty to look at and I bet really delicious too!
So glad you got to spend your birthday relaxing in front of the pool. How great is that?!

The Tureks said...

Okay, nerd moment from the teacher. I am impressed that your rainbow is actually correct. Most people just do random colors and call it a rainbow...your rainbow is in the correct order and everything. :-)