Saturday, August 29, 2009

BYU Jerusalem 10 YR Reunion

It'll be 10 years this coming Fall that I spent a semester abroad studying at the BYU Jerusalem Center. Having the great husband that I do, and all the support around me to help with my kids, I was able to fly home to Utah (ALONE) to attend my 10 year reunion. It was an excuse to see some good friends and to have a little weekend away. After missing my flight out of Portland due to the most horrible traffic I have ever been in in my life... I did eventually make it to Utah. It was great to catch up with roommates and friends from that time in Jerusalem that I had not seen in years. You can imagine how close we all got. The center was like living in one big house with 170 roommates for 4 months. We were one of the last groups that BYU took over before they closed the Jerusalem Center due to the state of unrest in the surrounding areas. It has recently reopened.

On the flight there, I had time to read back in my journals and to reflect on the whole experience. Every day I wrote how I never wanted this experience to end. It was absolutely incredible. I also wrote about how tired I was. We had field trips where we had to be on the bus by 6am and we'd fall into our beds at midnight. We traveled to Jericho, to Jordan, to the Sinai Pennisula and spent two weeks in Galilee and Egypt. I took classes in the Old Testament, the New Testament, Acts, Near Eastern Studies, ANCIENT Near Eastern Studies, Islam, Judaism and studied Hebrew. One of my favorite places to be was at the Garden Tomb or sitting on the shores of Galilee. I wrote about getting up at 2 am to hike Mount Sinai and freezing almost to death on top of the mountain, waiting for the sun to rise. Seeing the sun come over the horizon and lighting the valley below will always be one of the most amazing views I think I will ever experience. It was simply breathtaking.

I made such wonderful friends at the Jerusalem Center. Everyone was so great and we were all there because we wanted to be. I came to know my Savior in such a personal way as we studied His life and walked where He would have walked. There is an incredible spirit in those sacred places such as the Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden Tomb. The scriptures literally came to life as we read them on location and the meaning of them became so clear.

A flood of memories have come back to me as I've been able to reflect on everything I learned and felt while studying in the Holy Land. It's made me stop and reflect on my life and my testimony and where my priorities lie now. It's good to have these little reminders every once in a while of where we should be. I am just so grateful for this amazing opportunity and the foundation it has given me of the gospel of Jesus Christ and of our Savior's Atonement.

A few of us at the reunion dinner.

Sweet Friends


Em said...

Your Jerusalem experience sounds amazing. How great that you got to go to the reunion!

I was scheduled to attend spring term when they ended up having to close it due to violence. I was SO sad to have missed my opportunity.

Jamie said...

It seems like you were just talking about leaving for Jerusalem. Time flies - in a crazy way.

Heather said...

When were you there? I was there winter semester 2000, and absolutely adored my time there.

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

YOU GO GIRL! I am so glad you went. I am so sad I missed you, mom and dad and shopping! You look beautiful as always lindz. I still love hearing about and seeing your pics from Jersalem. How fun that you got to go and experience that. I am jealous, but glad I have you to catch a glimpse!!! Looks so fun and you'll never regret it! Love you


I didn't know you spent a semester in Jerusalem. I am sure those experience will stay with you forever. And how great to get to take a trip by yourself and see all those people you grew close too.

Hey, about my pictures... Spencer bought me a NikonD40x last Christmas that I use to take most my pictures. I love it. My Mac computer has built in effects such as boost the color or blur the edges. It take me two seconds to edit the pictures and it is kinda fun to see the results.

Marianne said...

Mark and Lindsey! I wish I would have thought for a second to call you when I was in Oregon. I think I still assume you are in Ohio. . . . next time! And Lindsey, I love looking at your Jerusalem pics. I was there in 1998. It makes me miss it so much! Hope you guys are well! I miss my favorite cousins :)

Unknown said...

Andrea Hurst is my sister-in-law. Married to JJ's brother Nathan. What a small world we live in for sure. How neat that you got to experience that.

Krissy said...

So cool, I applied to go Fall 99' but sadly got rejected. We could've been friends years before we were!! Don't fret though it turned out alright for me since I met Ray that Sept in Provo!