Monday, May 4, 2009

Kids and Leashes

The twins haven't been lasting very long in their stroller so I picked up these child restraints at Target just to give them a little independence when we're out and about. They are super cute and soft and have a cute little furry friend that hugs them from behind and that seconds as a backpack. I'm sure people are going to think I'm one of those crazy moms that leash my kids but I just wanted to give them a try to see how they fared. The twins are at that stage where they love to run in opposite directions and always away from me. This video is from the first day we tried them on. They were loving being tugged and pulled around. I caught Macy taking Nicholas for a little ride. I had to share!


Kellie said...

That is so cute! The best part is hearing you laugh... I had to watch it twice!

Laura said...

my mom used to leash us to the clothes line! magei does that same think to sam, only it's with a necklace. i swear she is going to choke him one day!

Jamie said...

Love it!