Sunday, December 16, 2012


Logan will be 3 months old on Tuesday! I can't believe it!  We are having so much fun with him. He gives us great big smiles and just in the last week, we've been getting him to giggle.  He is so alert, my most alert kid yet. There is plenty going on around him, that is for sure.  He does best when there is noise and music playing and can sleep through almost anything. Well, almost anything. Not so much when his big brother is in his face, trying to play with him.  Nicholas can't wait until Logan grows up.  I'm still trying to "Baby-Wise" him (putting him down awake and letting him fall asleep on his own).  It's not going so good. Ok! So I'm spoiling him just a little and holding him a lot! He takes a good nap in the morning but is spotty the rest of the day.  Luckily, I've been able to put him down around 8pm and then he'll sleep until 4:30 or 5:00am.  A dream. He hates his carseat and riding in the car, which raises everybody's blood pressure since there are places we have to go.  And somehow he knows the minute I take him in to any store & starts fussing.  This boy does not like to shop.  Ugh! 

But...what he DOES love is his Mamma (she provides the goods), his big sister, Macy (the "Baby Whisperer") his Dad, who makes him giggle, his swing (worth it's weight in gold), baths, and his binkie (thank goodness for that).  No one told me life was going to feel this crazy with four kids! Most of the time, I am completely overwhelmed with kids, laundry, nursing, dinners, & carpools...but Logan's little smiles seem to bring me back to reality and remind me what is really important. So what if my laundry sits in my hall for a few days. Eventually, it will get folded and put away but this baby will only be a baby for a little while.

Love him!


Malinovka said...

He is so sweet!! What a lucky girl that he goes to bed at 8:00 at night! I'm so glad you are taking the time to just enjoy him! I'm sure you are doing so great as a mom of 4. Yes, it does get crazy around here too! But it's so great. Your family is so beautiful. Love you!

Jillian said...

he is adorable...really adorable. I can relate so well with the chaos of everyday life. Sometimes I just feel good if we are dressed, fed and alive. You sound like you are doing better than that. What a dream baby to sleep at night so well. None of mine have done that. But I am not very good at the baby wise thing so sometimes I think its my fault. He's a keeper!!

Jillian said...

PS The swing is the best think ever invented on this earth!!! :)

Alyssa said...

What a cutie! Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind with my 3 under 2! Do not worry about getting every 'thing' done--check!

Julie said...

So cute! I hope these babies don't grow up too fast. Little Cal is still sleeping in his bassinet in our room and usually ends up on our bed. I need to move him to his crib but I hate to have him so far away. Life is going to get even more crazy around here when I have to go back to school. I hope you had a great Christmas. I love when you update your blog so I can see your cute family.