Monday, January 4, 2010

Ever Think About Quitting?

Today was suppose to be my first official day for the New Year! I set my alarm to get up at 5:15 AM to hit the gym. I had plans to have myself all ready by the time I dropped Macy off at preschool. Then I was going to spend my morning playing with the twins, reading, knitting a few baby hats for a humanitarian project for church. The day was looking wide open! The possibilities endless! Sounds kind of like a lazy kind of Monday...a little laundry, a little light reading, maybe some phone calls.

Well, let me just sum up my day up for you thus far.... I've been up since 4:30 AM with all of my children who were WIDE AWAKE and ready to go for the day. I made the mistake of letting the twins run naked after changing their diapers and before I know it, they have both peed and in different places. Karlee at least ran into the bathroom (I am not looking forward to potty training). Obviously, I didn't make it to my gym class but instead was making breakfast at 6 AM. On my way out the door to take Macy to preschool, I check the calendar and realize preschool doesn't start until tomorrow due to teacher inservice! The kids are already buckled in. I have a friend come over for Macy to keep her busy! Macy is extremely grumpy and bossy so I spend the morning trying to make amends between the two girls. I make lunch. Nobody eats. Then everyone wants snacks 20 minutes later. I put the twins to bed. Send Macy to her room for quiet time. Mark comes home for lunch. The twins sleep for 1 hour. ONE HOUR!!!! Of course, Nicholas wakes up crying. Which then wakes Karlee up. I'm in trying to get Nicholas back to sleep, hoping that Karlee, herself, will go back to sleep when I hear Macy open Karlee's door and get her out of her crib. Yes, Macy can pull Karlee out of her crib. She's now up...for good. So is Nicholas. It's 1:45pm. I'm wondering if this day could go any SLOWER!!! I entertain the kids until we leave for dance. I'm late, as usual. While we wait, Nicholas and Karlee want the other kid's snacks instead of the one's I brought for them. Karlee falls and hits her head on the bench. Nicholas pours my water bottle out on the floor. Eveyone is helping me get paper towels to clean it up. I say, "Welcome to my LIFE!" Someone gives me a hug. I get home and run over to say good-bye to my neighbors who are moving. My kids are running all over outside. They get their bikes out. It's 50 degrees here. Nice. We come in. I wash off the twins muddy hands but forget to take off their shoes. Before I realize it, they have tromped MUD all the way up my newly cleaned stairs. Now they are all in the tub and I'm taking a second to get my frustrations out! AAAGGGHHHH!!!!

The only thing getting me through today is that Mark is bringing home pizza for dinner and the Bachelor is on tonight! Jake, please don't disappoint! All I know is that my kids WILL BE in bed EARLY. I am seriously thinking about quitting this 24 hour/7 day a week, never ending, WONDERFUL job! I am so exhausted! I don't think I've sat down all day! Is anyone with me???????

At least someone was nice enough to make me cookies! It made my day a little bit better.


Malinovka said...

Oh, Lindsey, I needed to read this post!! I may not know exactly how you feel, but I feel like I've been having the worst past month ever! I'm so glad Mark brought dinner home and you had something to look forward to tonight. And, yes, sometimes I think about quitting this 24/7 frustrating, crazy, wonderful job!! Thanks for writing about your day--I really hope tomorrow is better. LOVE YOU!

Robyn said...

I'll totally run away with you - my days look like yours ALL THE TIME and I consider quitting about once a week.

But thankfully I don't, and neither
will you :)

What gym do you go to? We should go together.

Jo said...

Hey Lindsay, It's Jo Baugh. (Nelson) - I came across your blog and saw the title of your post and had to read it. I just had our fourth little tike, and to answer your question, YES! Somehow, we seem to get them to bed each night and then I take a big deep breath and relax.... until someone wakes up or needs the covers pulled over them again. And it gets really bad when your kids start to pray for you to be a nicer mommy. I could go on and on! I hope you are doing great.

Darin and Joanna said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad day! I know how you feel. Some days I just look at Darin, throw my hands in the air and say...."WE did this to ourselves!" Luckily most of the good days outweigh the bad ones, but I know exactly what you mean about wanting to throw in the towel sometimes. Who knew being a mom could be so hard....and somehow you still manage to love it anyway!

Erin Davis said...

Oh my! I am so with you! Tomorrow will be better. :)

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

I am with you!! ALL THE WAY! I should've called you at my 6am which would be your 5am and we could've talked each other through it. You know the day is going to be bad when you are feeding your children breakfast before your alarm goes off to exercise. That was me today as well. I decided that I would try to work out while they were awake....bad idea. I was the next jungle gym! It lasted the warm up. I feel for you! I'm glad I got to talk to you for atleast 1 minute today!! You made me laugh so hard about Jake!! He was pretty hot and those GIRLS! HELLO! It's getting crazy. They were all models! Here I am watching all these beautiful woman and I look at myself with food stains on my clothes....pj's who am I kidding, hair pulled up which it's been that way for the past 3 days, surrounded by a tornado of diapers, toys and books....I think to myself, "How wonderful to be sitting in a female article of clothing with makeup on and not fighting children while having an adult conversation! Those lucky sons of a gun!! We are truely living the dream!!! LOVE YOU LINDZ. You are an amazing mom and amaze me daily! HERE'S FOR TOMORROW!

Laura said...

Can I copy and paste your post into my blog, because I'm about to sign myself up as a quitter! Yeah, I'm trying to potty train Sam right now and I want to die. I just keep telling myself, "I need to find the joy in cleaning up's in there somewhere."

Hey, It's me...Jessica said...

Sounds awesome! Glad to know I'm not the only one that feels like throwing my hands in the air and yelling "All Done!" like my 19 month old.

The Tureks said...

Love you Lindsey! I was impressed by the 5:15 intention of getting up by yourself. I have been a lazy preggo lady sleeping until the last second to go to work.

Kellie said...

Lindsey!!! You have some of the cutest kids I've ever seen! I'm so sad motherhood is so hard and even depressing at times, but I guess that's what makes a roller coaster so fun to ride. I read this post a while ago and wanted to call you then thought with it being so crazy that might make it worse, not better!!! So I'm sending you my love through this comment. You are loved and admired by moi! Thanks for sharing your crazy day.

Brandi said...

You know, if you ever want to leave one or both of the twins here while you take Macy to her dance class, just give me a ring!!! I know how frustrating it can be to drag along 2 kids who just have to sit and watch. Yeah right!!!

Brandi said...

Oh, one more thing. I have a carpet shampooer/cleaner if you need to borrow it, it's all yours. My mom got it for me for Christmas.

Ryan, Karen, Owen, and Ava said...

You are amazing! We all do it. We all have those days, but I can just see you when everyone is helping you clean up the water, and you say "welcome to my life" with your cute cheerful giggle eventhough I'm sure you may have been hiding the tears. You are adorable! I so wish I lived a short distance and could have just taken the kids for a couple hours. Hopefully Mark is planning something great for your birthday to make up for all your stress. It's soon, right?

vanessa said...

WOW! I' surprised you had time to write that post, with all that had happened that day. You are an amazing mom and I'm sure you handle all the craziness with grace. Your little family is adorable!

SARAH T. said...

What a great story. I love stories like this!