Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family Vacation....Cancun!

We've been a little spoiled this year taking two big vacations, first Hawaii and then Cancun, but apparently, our families have been waiting for us to get out of school so we could start playing. We are certainly not complaining. If there has ever been a year that we've needed two vacations...this has been it! This last trip to Cancun with Mark's family was the GREATEST vacation EVER! It was absolutely perfect. We left all the kids at home and did nothing but eat, sleep, and seriously laugh out loud. Mark's family is hilarious and they love nothing more than being together and telling funny, funny stories. We had a great, great time!

All of us hanging out on the beach! There were 13 of us total!

View from our hotel room at the Barcelo Maya Colonial Resort.

This is one of the restaurants we ate at every day. The resort was all-inclusive and yes...we ate...A LOT! I could not leave the soft-serve ice cream alone. It was DELICIOUS!

The food

Me, loving life on the beach! Everyone else read like 5 books. I read 100 pages. I seriously just vegged!

The entire family, plus Breanne, whom we love!

Phil and Dana, Mark's parents, who put this whole thing together.

The restaurants had a strict dress code for the men: NO SHORTS OR SANDALS but the women could wear whatever they wanted. Jason and Mark didn't pack any pants for the trip and had to taxi in to the city to buy some. They came back with these workout pants and wore them every night to dinner. It was the laughing joke. Apparently, you can look like a scrounge and eat at the restaurants as long as you are wearing pants and shoes.

The "Kids Table" as we called it. Mark's parents and the older sibling were next to us at the big table.

Cute Breanne and Syd.

The day at Tulum.

It was pouring rain the day we left which made it a little easier to leave.

Our last day in Cancun! Tan, happy and very much rested. Thanks, Mom & Dad, for watching our kids. I know they were loved to pieces!


Malinovka said...

Oh, Lindsey, how FUN!!! Yes, you deserve these vacations! I'm inspired to get my family to take a trip like that someday. We'll just have to all meet up in whatever country my brother is living in at the time! :)

Alyssa said...

What a fun vacation! How awesome that you both have families that put together extravagant vacations!

Laura said...

i love cancun...and the ruins! what awesome pictures. you look tan and gorgeous!! p.s. on the boiled peanuts - i'm ashamed to admit that i actually liked them. magei and i ate the entire bag...kind of made me feel a bit like a hillbilly.

Hey, It's me...Jessica said...

Wow, looks like so much fun! I am completely jealous! A vacation with no kiddos = so relaxing!

Michelle H. said...

It looks like you guys are living the life. Why was Breanne in Cancun with you? I love her! We played soccer together in high school.
I am glad you guys are having fun. Hopefully we will run into you again in good old CV.

Kandice said...

SO fun!!! Good for you guys! A vacation sounds so good right now......don't think we can ask for vacation time just yet!!!

Prosper 1st Primary said...

Hey Swensen Family! How are you doing?! I am so jealous of your Cancun trip! That was Kristina and I's honeymoon endeavor. We miss you guys and hope you're having a great time in Corvallis. U R Da Bomb!

Kade and Katie said...

so jealous! i want a vacation, but i am serioulsy scared to leave all four kids with anyone...they are out of control...again, i want a vacation! but good for you guys, it looks like you had a great time. and you my friend deserve it, i don't know how you do twins!

Cancun Mexico said...

First of all, congratulations for your wonderful family. And second, great idea spend your time in Cancun Vacations. Very nice photos.