Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crazy Fun!

My cute mom came to visit last week again! We didn't have to bribe her too much to come up to see her grandkids! We always have so much fun when she is here and she is such a big help! For me, it's one less trip I have to make up the stairs to get one of the twins or pack them up in the car because Grandma always has one in her arms! It's basically a vacation! All my kids, including Mark, were just getting over the flu from the week before. That week could very well have been one of the worst weeks ever! I swore if I had to wash one more bed sheet, clean up any more throw up or change one more gross diaper, I was going to lose it! It was horrible! I was the lucky one that didn't catch it, probably because I was too busy taking care of everybody else. On top of that, Nicholas had 4 top teeth coming in at the same yeah, he was way CRANKIE! Poor, little guy! Have you ever heard of that happening?

With everyone on the mend, we had a busy week with my mom! She was there to see Macy dance at her first dance recital, sit on the side at one of my rec volleyball games, and help me juggle the twins at their 9 month doctor appointments. On Saturday, we got out of town and drove up to Portland to Multnomah Falls which overlooks the Columbia River Gorge. It was a gorgeous day to be out and the waterfalls were beautiful! I would love to go back when the kids are older and hike to the top of them! We stopped to eat at The Cheesecake Factory at Washington Square on the way home and had dinner and of course, dessert. My mom's visit went by so fast and as always, so sad to see her go. We always cry at the airport but we know we'll be seeing each other again soon!

This video is a little long but so cute! Macy is on the far left!


Alyssa said...

That is TOO cute-Macy is a natural! I can't believe you went almost 2 minutes before either of the twins made a peep, I was beginning to wonder if you brought them!

I'm WAY jealous of your rec volleyball! I REALLY want to get back to playing volleyball!
But, I'm not jealous of you having to take care of 4 people with the flu--YIKES!!!
Oh, and by the way you look SO THIN! I didn't think you could be any thinner than what you were when you lived here!

Alyssa said...

Oh and those darn twins are getting SO big and SO darn cute!

Laura said...

I hiked those falls with my sister of couple of years ago...beautiful! those twins are getting so big all the sudden! maybe it's the teeth. how fun to have your mom visit!

Rachael said...

Macy is a beautiful dancer. She is such a pretty girl. Thanks for sharing. -Rach

Malinovka said...

As soon as I saw the first pics, I wondered if that was Multnomah Falls! Gorgeous! Glad your mom could be there to help out, especially after SUCH a hard week! The twins look ADORABLE in their double stroller, and Macy is SO cute dancing! Love your cute family!