Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Macy All Grown Up!

Here is our little doll! She is becoming so grown up and very independent! When it comes to getting dressed and putting on shoes and socks, it's always "No, Mama. I do it!" She has become a little talker and sings at the top of her lungs every where we go (even the grocery store). She definitely gets that trait from her dad! She makes us laugh every day. She is such a sweet little girl and she is going to be such a good helper when these twins arrive.


Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

Lindsey! I am so glad you started a blog! I can't believe how amazing you look at 30 weeks. I looked like that at 20!!! I love you and miss you so bad. I am glad I can check up on you daily! Macy is the cutest thing ever and I miss her. Give her a big squeeze from her favorite aunt Lezlee! I love you guys and I am so glad you found a place to settle down. I love you I love you I love you! Thanks for always being there for me!

Krystal Trapnell said...

Congrats on the new blog, and thanks, Lezlee, for passing on the info. I'm dying that you're going to be having twins--how fun/hard/amazing/terrifying! You will be awesome, I have no doubts.

We should come visit you (or you should come visit us) before we all move out west. Maybe in the spring when you've adjusted to three kids!

p.s. did I send you an invite to my blog www.floridabuckeyes.blogspot.com? If I didn't, send me an email at espyk@yahoo.com and I'll send you one.

Em said...

Yippee! I'm so excited you've started a blog- now I can keep up on your cute family. You look fantastic, by the way! I can't wait to see pics of the babes when they arrive.

And Oregon, huh? I was just telling Duncan that we should visit there sometime (we've never been) or look into moving there since I hear it's fantastic- my brother, his wife and her family vacation there all the time and are in love with Oregon! Congrats on all the exciting changes. (Macy is looking so grown-up and adorable). Say hi to Mark for us, too.

Trisha said...

Lindsey! Hi! I saw Lezlee's post about your new blog and I'm so glad:) You do look darling at 30 weeks!
Also, my brother in law, Max, is on a mission in the Columbia, SC mission! Right now he's north a little, in Greensvile??

Mike and Erin Hale said...

Linds! where have you been all my life! You look so cute. I still cannot believe that you're having twins. We are really excited for you guys. I'm so glad that you're doing well. Macey looks so big. (Abbie has that exact same outfit!)I miss you so much! Take care
Love, Erin

Erin Davis said...

Its been so long since we have seen your cute family. I love your new blog. We are in Logan right now, TJ wrote a Christmas show that they are doing up at USU. It has been a huge success so far. You look great for 30 weeks, that has got to be so hard. Good luck and congrats!

Kenny, Tara, Ashley said...


Caught your blog URL from your sister's and had to check it out! She is right, you do look amazing! Glad to hear you guys are doing well! Being from the great Northwest, I have to say you will LOVE living in Oregon! Good luck in the coming weeks with your little bundles of joy. How exciting! Drop us a line sometime. Our email is osulindleys@yahoo.com. that way I can send you an invite to our blogspot. Happy Holidays!

Haueter Photography said...

Hey Lindsey! This is Aleisha(bowen)Haueter. I saw your sister's blog through Ashley Olsens and was way excited to see that you have a blog. I hope you don't mind that I looked. I can't believe you are having twins! That is so exciting. Your little girl is very cute. It sounds like things are going well for you and your cute fam. I would love to keep in touch. My blog site is www.haueterfamily.blogspot.com Good luck with everything and I want to add you to my blogging friends if you don't mind. Take care. Oh, and you look so good pregnant. Too cute!

Em and Trev Fam said...

Hey Lindsey! Yay! This is Emily (Rowberry) Cook. I'm so glad to have found your blog too! I linked to it from Allyson Croshaw's blog. You look great! I ran into Julie Major not too long ago at a wedding and she told me you are expecting twins. I am so excited for you! Your little girl is beautiful and it sounds like life is great for you guys. Oregon will be so much fun! Keep in touch!


Avery can't stop taking about how she saw her friend Macy and Kayla was sad she was in school and missed her. Anyway I have to choose 6 people to tag and you are one of them. Go to my blog to find out the rules. Good Luck!
Amy E.

Shannon Sundberg said...

We are so excited to keep up with what is going on with your family. Macey is sooooo cute! And TWINS!!! How exciting! We are so glad you have a blog and we are thrilled that life is treating you so well. You guys deserve nothing but the best!
The Sundbergs

The Morris Family said...

Lindsey, I cannot believe how big Macy had gotten. She is so darling: ) I am excited you started a blog so I can look at it all the time to find out what you are up to. You are so cute! I can't believe you have 2 babies in that tiny little belly!!!! Congrats on finding a place to live. I just wish you were going to be a little closer!

Brian Adair Fam said...

Lindsey! I found your blog address on Alder's blog and thought I'd check it out. Boy, so many things have happened since we were in Ohio!! Congrats on the twins! How crazy!!! It looks like you have a great group of friends there in SC who will take care of you and the babies!! Macy is absolutely adorable. I can't believe how big she is!! How old is she now? By the way, feel free to check out my blog...adairfamilyfun.blogspot.com. Good luck with everything and I'm so glad I found your blog! I love being able to keep in touch with the many amazing friends I made out it OH!!