Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Pics

Our little spooks! Macy dressed up as Fancy Nancy (the girl who LOVES to accessorize!) Karlee was a fluffy chicken and Nicholas, the cutest dragon!

Transportation for the night. The wagon ended up being more of a liability as Nicholas and Karlee caught on to the whole idea of trick-or-treating. We could not miss one house, even if the lights were off, the twins still wanted to go up and get candy! That part they didn't get!

Aren't they cute?

Our stylish Fancy Nancy "Princess"...RED shoes and all

All three Trick-or-Treating.

I LOVE Halloween!!! It is such a fun holiday! We had so much fun this year with our kids. They were totally in to it. Friday afternoon we went Trick-or-Treating downtown in Corvallis and filled our buckets full. The twins could not eat their candy fast enough. They were shoveling it in! They wanted to eat every piece they got. We had to skip a few stores just to give them (and us) a breather! Saturday we went around our neighborhood which is the dream neighborhood for Trick-or-Treating. The houses are close together and all decked out with lights and a few scary people answering the doors. Macy was running from house to house with her friends. Mark and I were running equally as fast trying to keep up with the twins who were each going in their own direction. It was some crazy fun! I just love the excitement kids bring to the holidays. I even decided to dress up myself...


Laura said...

so adorable!

Malinovka said...

Super cute, Linds!! I love your costume too! I'm so glad you all had such a great time.

Hey, It's me...Jessica said...

Sounds like a wild night! The costumes are adorable. I love Fancy Nancy, a girl needs her accessories! The twins are getting so big!

You look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

You are a hot cat!!! Your kids look amazing. Love you guys.

Ben and Michelle said...

I love the Halloween costumes......very cute.

Joni said...

I agree that having little kids makes all holidays more fun.

What little angels you've got. So cute!

I hadn't realized that you didn't know my new blog address. I would have commented more.


Brent and Amelia said...

They are so cute! And so grown up! I love Halloween,'s such a fun opportunity to be creative and imaginative. Glad you guys had a good time!

Ryan, Karen, Owen, and Ava said...

You're just the cutest mom ever! I share your love for halloween. Why can't there be more holidays so great? Kids bring it all alive again.


All your kiddos looked darling in their costumes! I bet they loved having you dressed-up too. Kids make the holidays SO much fun. Now what to do with all the candy?

emandtrev said...

How fun! You look awesome too! I love Halloween.

brad said...

ADORABLE! They are all so delicious lindz! You are also one fine sexy kitten!! It looks like you guys had a great halloween. You seriously have the cutest fam lindz! I love the pic of all of them trick or treating! Love ya! LEZLEE

Justin & Ashlee said...

Don't worry about your kids only scribbling. I pretty much helped color that whole picture. I am just starting to teach Rylee to hold the crayons and scribble. I may be going to Story Time again this week so I'll call if we go. I'd be glad to help with the twins! Hope they are feeling better :)