Monday, September 14, 2009

First Big Day

Macy had her first day of preschool! It wasn't long enough (for the both of us)! She was so mad when I came to pick her up at 11:30 am. She wanted to stay longer. I had to pick her up and carry her out of there. She is just so happy to be back. Good thing she has a whole year of it!

Macy had been looking forward to this day for a long time. She got up first thing and made her bed and got dressed all on her own. Then we had a little hair drama. Supposedly, there was a part that looked "messy" and she put her face in her hands and cried. Oh, my goodness! What am I going to do with her? I can't complain because I was just like her when I was little. Everything had to be perfectly in place. My poor Mom. Picture days were the worst. It looks like I got one just like me and she is only 4!

Macy also had her first day of dance lessons at the Corvallis Academy of Ballet. It was precious to see the little girls twirling, leaping and bounding across the floor. So graceful! She has a darling, darling teacher. It's very professional, the whole studio and all. I've been very impressed with it and so happy we found it. I took the twins to watch and they layed on their tummies and watched at the door. I wish I'd had my camera to capture that moment.

All in all, it's been a productive but exhausting day and it's only Monday. Summer spoiled me but a routine will be good. Maybe I'll get more done. Yeah, right! Not with my little tornadoes running around (a.k.a Nicholas and Karlee). I cannot turn my back for one second. They are busy, busy bodies that deserve their own post. To be continued...


The Toole Family said...

She is so grown up. Glad that she is liking school. We miss you lots...

Laura said...

Okay, you have SUCH CUTE KIDS!!!!!!! Oh my those girls are gorgeous, and that little guy is such a little heart breaker.

Alyssa said...

How fun! What cute kids!


I can't believe that baby Macy is in preschool! Avery can't get enough of her preschool too, it makes it easy to drop her off and not worry.

I understand about having a little tornado, I can only imagine what having 2 would be like. It is a good thing they are so darn cute! That picture with Macy in the middle smiling and Nicholas and Karlee on the sides is classic.

emandtrev said...

I love her little first day of school outfit! I love the picture of the three of them together. What sweeties!

Megan Anderson said...

Hey Mark, this is "megs" I noticed on your blog that heather is having a baby!! (or maybe she already did) I would love to get in touch with her. could you let me know how I can get in touch with her. Did she have a girl or a boy??

Rachael said...

Such darling pictures. I can't believe how big the twins are. They are all just adorable!...Rachael

The Tureks said...

So glad preschool and dance are going well. Give us the post about the tornadoes you said you had one just do it during your "free time" lol

Love ya!

Lori said...

So cute, I can't believe how big macy is now! and the twins too! Time is just going by too fast, I remember her just being a little toddler and now off to pre-school. We miss you guys, hope your doing well.

Ariel said...

What Macy goes to school? I cannot believe how big she is. It looks like you guys have been having a lot of fun lately. Your kids' personalities shine right through their pics. I know they are charismatic and vibrant, just like their parents.

Kandice said...

SO cute!! She is so BIG. Brinlee wants to stay at school all day just like Rachel...such is life. The school schedule is for sure an adjustment. I'm still working on it!!! ;)