Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Bunch of Firsts!

Isn't she the cutest thing ever! Karlee has been smiling for a week now and I finally caught it on camera! She is an angel baby. You hardly know she is even there! Nicholas, on the other hand, is still kind of a handful. He never seems to be content anywhere, except on his tummy, which always makes me nervous because of SIDS. I check on him every 5 seconds to make sure he is still breathing. He is so funny! If he isn't sleeping, he wants to be eating, and if he's not eating, he's trying to fall back asleep!!

Macy has always been drawn to Karlee since the day we brought the twins home. It's just been recently that Macy has shown an interest in Nicholas. The other day I caught Macy talking and playing with Nicholas on the floor in her bedroom! It was so precious!

The last big first, is that Macy has decided to potty train herself! She has been accident free for five days now. I have her in diapers at night, but the second she wakes up, she takes off her diaper and puts on her princess panties. I don't even have to ask her if she needs to go to the potty. She just goes! It's amazing! I tried for three months before the twins were born to potty train her but gave up! They say when kids are ready, they'll do it on their own. There is no use in forcing it! So true! Now I only have two bums to change, instead of three! Hurray!


Kortney Manning said...

Oh how sweet are your kids?!! I love little tiny babies :) Isn't it weird how you bring home the babies, and all of a sudden Macy seems so big and grown-up? Good for her and the potty! And by-the-way, Reese was a tummy sleeper too. It used to make me soooo nervous to let her sleep that way, but when I did, she slept for hours. So, what can you do? Good luck Linds...looks like you're already a pro!

alan said...

Way cute, Macy is so precious with those two cuties. And I love that her step is front and center while she's on the pot--she loves that thing :)

The Morris Family said...

What a darling little family you have. Next to the twins, Macy looks so grown up & your babies are just too dang cute!! I am so happy for you that Macy now goes potty all by herself. It makes such a big difference.

Jamie said...

Go Macy!! What a girl. I wish Mackay would train himself.
Mackay was a tummy sleeper too. That was the only way he could get comfortable. If he was on his back he would only sleep for an hour or so at a time. On his tummy he could go all night. I was worried too, but my MD said it was fine because Mackay needed the rest and so did I. Don't fret too much, I think a lot of babies prefer to be on their tummies. Karlee, Nick and Macy are so cute. You are doing a great job!

Haueter Photography said...

That is impressive about Macy. Your kids are so cute! You are amazing!

Matt and Allyson said...

We just got the baby annoucement yesterday, Darling! What cute little babies you have. Has your mom come back to Utah yet? Are you surviving?! Loved reading your blog.

The Neeleys said...

Cute family! We loved getting your darling birth announcement in the mail. The twins are precious! Hope all is going looks like you are already a pro at 3 kids!

Lisa said...

I am glad to find your blog! After hearing that you have twins from the Geyers (we are in Ohio now), I was able to link to your blog from Jamie's. It really is a small world! Congratulations on 3 cute kids!

Nick and Leila said...

Your children are beautiful! I just randomly saw your blog on someone else's -hope it's okay that I sneaked a peak! Good luck with everything, sounds like life is a little crazy!

Malinovka said...

Way to go Macy!! I hope Mierae will learn to do it herself soon too. What darling babies! I'm so glad Macy loves them and is taking to them so well! Sounds like you're a pro, Lindsey! What a great mommy you are!

Love, Robyn

Brian Adair Fam said...

Such cute pictures. It's amazing how different siblings can be, isn't it? I had to laugh about your comment about males and the "eating/sleeping" routine! So true! :0) Also, WAY TO GO, Macy!!!

Joni said...

Wow, Macy rocks! Radley has NO interest in the potty whatsoever.

The babies are so so sweet. We are moving to Utah this week, so when you come into town, give us a shout and we'll run right over to see y'all.

You're such cute parents.

villa brenchley said...

I have looked at your bog a million times and cry each time I do. It's so dang cute and I miss my babies and little MACY. Thanks so much for letting me come back and be with you kids. Mark, you are a trooper putting up with all of us women. Pictures are so cute and waiting for more to show up. Luke just left yesterday and maybe that's why I'm so teary-eyed. I love you kids dearly.......MOM

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

SO CUTE! They are getting so big! Tell them to slow down until I come out! That picture of Macy is DIVINE playing with Nick! I am so proud of her! I'll have to bring her a potty training present! Can't wait to see you lindsey! Love you! Missed talking to you. Way to update your blog. KEEP POSTING! We love everything you put on your blog!

candrkoch said...

Hi Mark & Lindsey, I was looking at Jennie (graf's) blog and saw 'Mark and Lindsey' and knew it must be you two. Hello! It was wonderful to get a little update on the two of you -- congrats on the twins and everything that it looks like is going on in your lives right now. BUSY! We have 3 of our own, but not in the form of twins. That presents a whole new realm of busy that I am sure I do not know. Anyhow, congrats, hello, and we'll keep checking in on you guys through your blog. We'll get one up....someday... I have a to-do list that I've made for myself to accomplish before I delve into the world of blogging. Take care! Rachelle (& Curtis) Koch

Jillian said...

Oh my word you have the cutest little family and of course you guys have the cutest twins too-it looks like a perfect family! I found your link off Niki & Jared's -do you care if I add you to mine? I love seeing how everyone is doing.

Suz said...

You have such cute kids!

Jared and Niki said...

Such cute babies! Lins, I don't know how you are doing it! I am so happy Macy potty trained herself! Our little one just did the same thing, too. Its amazing, isn't it?