Thursday, December 27, 2007

No Babies Yet!

I made it through Christmas and babies! I had a doctor's appointment today and I am measuring well over 40 plus weeks with no signs of coming anytime soon. The babies have both almost doubled their size in the last 4 weeks. The boy weighs 6 lbs 6 oz and the girl weighs 5 lbs 11 oz. Yes, that is over 12 pounds of baby in me right now and believe me, I am feeling it!

The ultrasound also revealed that the boy has since turned and is now breach (the little stinker)! The little girl is head down and would be the first to be delivered since she is lower. With the second baby breach and being the larger of the two, the doctor went ahead and scheduled a c-section for me on January 17th (my 38th week mark) to avoid any major complications that could come with trying to deliver both naturally! I'm a little nervous for a c-section so anyone that has had one, please calm my fears! Also, pray that I have these babies before the 17th! I would like to be DONE being pregnant and I might as well have babies to take care of in the middle of night since I'm up anyways!

We'll post pictures as soon as they get here!!!


Em said...

I hope, for your sake, you have these babies soon! And that the "stinker" changes position so you don't have to go the c-section route!

When a friend of mine had her twins she delivered the first regularly and then the 2nd was breach so they had to c-section him out. I don't recommend that!!!

And may I say again how darn amazing you look? I'm in awe! Mark's one lucky husband.

Katie Griffiths said...

Hey Mark & Lindsey-

We found your blog link on Heidi's blog - good luck with the twins! That is so exciting - Mark, did you know Brooke has twin boys? Seems like everyone our age is having twins. Lindsey - I had both of our babies c-section (Cole was breech, I was in labor for 20+ hours with Annie and never dilated). I was really nervous, but it was a breeze. I was running again within two weeks after both of them. The worst part is that they don't really let you hold the babies right after they are born and you have to be in recovery while everyone else gets to coo over how cute they are.
-Katie & Floyd

Kenny, Tara, Ashley said...

Wow Lindsey! You lok amazing, but how uncomfortable you must be! Let's just hope they don't decide to stay in there until the 17th!

Emily J. said...


I found your blog off of Chelsea's. I hope you don't mind me looking at it. It is so crazy that you are having twins. Congrats!!! You look amazing as always. Hope things are going well for you and Mark.

Emily and Ben Johnson

Desmama said...

Lindsay--you look fabulous. I'm completely serious. Oh, and last weekend I was watching a movie with a friend from high school--the movie was "Emma" with Gwyneth Paltrow--and she commented that Gwyneth Paltrow reminds her of you. And I have to say I agree. Also, I am very jealous. ;)

Anyway. On to C-sections. I've had two. They're not so bad, I promise. I could write a whole post on how every single fear I might've had about them was allayed when I actually did have them, but I won't. And since I've had two, I'll have to have the rest of my kids that way. I have cried zero tears over that. :)

Haueter Photography said...

I had to have both by kids c-section and I have no complaints. You just have to really take it easy with your older one as far as lifting and stuff goes. You look so good! Good luck with everything.

Denise said...

Hi Lindsey, You look so good! Just a couple of more weeks to go. I'm sure it's hard to wait and be so uncomfortable but on the plus side they will be big and healthy babies! Can't wait to see pictures when they come.

The Morris Family said...

Wow!! You look so great!! I really can't beleive that there are 12 lbs of baby in you right now, & you don't look it!! Only 2 more weeks (maybe less) & your new little ones will be here. Good luck with everything, & I wish I could be there to help, but at least it sounds like you will have alot of extra help. What a great ward!!

Emily + Eric said...
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Ellis family said...

You don't know me, I'm a cousin of Lori Luffs, and have 2 and 1/2 year old boy girl twins! You are in for a treat! I love them! I had a C-section (my boy was breech as well,) really not as scary as people make it out to be. I"m sure you'll do great! And with you being so close you'll get them right away, mine were in the NICU for 2 weeks, so at first I didn't get to see them for 12 hours! Good luck!

Jared and Niki said...

Mark & Lindsey,

Niki and I got to thinking the other night that a great name for your twins would be Scarlet and Gray. But, that may not be such a good idea when your Buckeye's keep stinking it up at the big game each year... Sorry that that your Bucks had to run into the SEC again this year.



Ashlee said...

Hey Lindsey Its Ashlee Olsen I know that you probably wont read this for a while now but if I would have looked that good caring twins I would do it but I get much bigger than that with one! YOu Look Awesome!! And Congrats on the new little ones! They are beautiful!