Thursday, September 9, 2010 we come!

So after much, much stress, sleepless nights and going back and forth about whether to start Macy in Kindergarten due to the fact that she only makes the cut-off by four days, we decided to start her in school anyways. She is ready! I have no doubt about that.

With kindergarteners, they like to break them in easy. So on Wednesday, Macy and I met one-on-one with her new teacher (who we are SOOOOO excited about)! She is a DOLL. The kind you get the warm, fuzzies from and FUN. She is going to be amazing. On Monday, Macy goes with half of her class. Tuesday, the other half goes and on Wednesday, they all go together! More pictures to come...

At first I thought I was going to be alright about sending her. No tears from me... but I'm starting to really see the big picture. This is it....she's growing up and starting school and those days of staying home and following me around all day are almost over! Let's not talk about that right now...but just on how cute she looks on her first day at school!


Jamie said...

Looks like you guys have had a great summer. So sad that I missed seeing you when you were here. Macy is darling. I am sure you made the right decision about sending her to school. Girls are always so much more ready. Good work on the b-day cake too. I can't believe how domestic you have become:) I'm am jealous of the wild blackberry bushes. What a great treat! Now, here is looking forward to the twins going to kindergarten:) but stopping there. Half day is plenty of time for a mom to get some things done. Jaelyn went to 1st this year and a full day is way too long for me, and her. Take Care.

The Tureks said...

Blackberries, bikes, birthday, bear, and school! Wow, you all have had a lot of fun. I love the oregonian look on you. It works for you. :-) I am so happy for Macy and all of her big girl happenings. Good luck with school.

Alyssa said...

She'll do great! She is such a smart girl and I'm sure she'll catch up quickly to her older peers. Besides it'll be so fun to get to graduate high school at 17 :) Oh, and Love Macy's birthday cake!

Kellie said...

WOW! Beautiful place to live... love the bikes, they look like so much fun, but what a workout! Macy has the cutest handwriting, and I cannot believe she turned FIVE! It has been over night, and she is so darn cute. I almost cried reading your posts. Great job on the cake, but you didn't tell me how to do it... ha ha. You're a great mom! Love you.