Sunday, July 12, 2009

Something for Baby!

I had so much fun making this diaper cake for my sister-in-law's baby shower. I can't even believe how cute it turned out. I did a search on YouTube for instructions on how to make one and came up with this. I almost hated giving it away!

We had a great turn out for Heather's shower. It was so good to see so much family! Heather looked beautiful and received some great gifts. Now comes the hard part. Figuring out what to do with all that baby stuff and how it all works. Good Luck, Heather and Jason! You're going to be great parents!


Alyssa said...

That is a seriously adorable diaper cake!

Ryan, Karen, Owen, and Ava said...

What a cute diaper cake! SO creative. And I'm so jealous of Cancun. Oh, how great that would be right now. You and Mark are just one of the cutest couples ever and I Love seeing all the pictures of your family. We HAVE to meet up sometime after we're out in Spokane.

Kandice said...

WOW Linds, that cake is so darling! I love your family pic on the top of your blog! It is crazy to see how big all the kiddos are getting! Your family is beautiful!