Thursday, October 30, 2008

My REAL Life!

Laundry, diapers, bottles, dishes, screaming kids that all seem to need me at the exact same time, babies that panic if I leave the room, cleaning, sweeping, cooking three different meals to satisfy all the picky eaters in my house, running Macy to preschool and dance, practicing the piano for ward choir, emotional breakdown, Diet Dr. Pepper pick-me-up, playing on the floor and having babies crawling all over me, laughing and kissing soft little cheeks, reading stories, bathing kids, putting kids to bed, picking up toys, vegging on the couch then staying up late to catch up on everything I started but didn't get done that day, collapsing in to bed at midnight and then waking up at 6am to do it all over again. I keep telling myself that these days won't last forever so I'll try to enjoy them as they come! Somehow, I really do love it!

Inevitably, there are always a few moments like this!


Alyssa said...

Yikes Lindsey! I've been having or coming very close to emotional breakdowns several times these last couple weeks too. But then, I look at your "real life" and I can't compare. I have more things I could drop than you have. Although I would suggest nipping that 3-dinners for picky eaters problem--but I shouldn't speak too soon I'm sure I'll end up doing that when I have kids because of Al's allergies (but it will all be selfish because I'll get to eat things I've given up--for now).

Oh, and one other thing--get a housekeeper! At least once a month wouldn't be too expensive and would most likely make a WORLD of difference that's worth the money spent!

Pull out that yardstick from Mary Poppins because I know it will read the same for you as it did for her. You are AMAZING and don't forget it! There's a reason why you instantly attracted EVERY person in our ward (you having twins was just a bonus)!

Joni said...

Oh, Lindsey! I feel for you. I feel like I've finally got my two kids in a place where there is a little bit of order, but with the new babe coming I know the chaos is sure to return.

You are a supermom! Don't forget it.

Amber Jackson said...

Hi, from Logan. I am sure I know exactly how you are feeling! Having the twins eight months after we were married. (they came 2 months early) :) And then our little girl and our newest little boy. 4 kids 4and under is for sure the most insanely wonderful thing I have ever done. You are right...they do grow up and life changes from one crazy stage to the next. Just make sure you are getting some girl time in just for you and then some date nights. It makes a big difference! Hang in there, your doing great! Trust me I know how hard it is!

Darin and Joanna said...

Funny...I just posted similar feelings. Sometimes being a mom is more than we bargained for, but I agree, for some reason I still like it too!

Malinovka said...

I'm glad you documented what "real" life is like! Good for you for getting up and doing it all over again...every day! Thanks for your example!

The Tureks said...

Haha! I told you to post the "real life story"...I'm glad you did. You are awesome. Your kids are lucky to have you. I'm glad you only posted 10 seconds of the crying....Too bad you don't have a mute button. :-) Love ya girlie! Tell the family I said hello.

Jillian said...

I actually feel normal again after reading this....Thanks for sharing-I am so glad I am not the only ones with these days but willing to do it again. You are an awesome mommy.

Josh & Sarah Teare said...

Cute post!! It is true even though you are so tired somehow you still love being a mom. That is such a great post of your kids wanting you! I don't know how you do it?

ryan said...

Wow Lindsey! You're amazing! Honestly, what lucky children and Mark to have you. And I just thought it was so cool that in the midst of all the chaos you thought to video it just to capture the moment. Cool to see someone capturing real life and not just the picture perfect moments.