Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's in my bag?

A few weeks/months ago, I was tagged by my friend Jamie to reveal what's in my bag! As I was cleaning out my diaper bag from church today, I decided that now would be the perfect time to show you what a mother of twins and a two year old gets to pack around with her.

-Diapers in three different sizes. Size 2 for Karlee. Size 3 for Nick and a pull-up for Macy just in case we get stuck somewhere there isn't a bathroom.
-Wipes & disposal bags for stinky diapers
-Two bibs. Two burp clothes. Two bottles. Two containers of pre-measured formula since Nick drinks 6 oz. and Karlee drinks 4 oz.
-Two pacifiers
-Sippy cup for Macy, raisins and fruit snacks for bribery
-Coloring book
-Macy's purse that she insists on taking with her but then I end up carrying it!
-Toys for babies
-Things for Mom: Wallet, cell phone, Eclipse gum, hand sanitizer, lotion, lip gloss, ibuprofen!!!

Gone are the days I could just grab my purse and go! Now, it takes me a good 20 minutes to get out the door...

... but they are so worth it! (You too, Macy!)

Lezlee, Amy Elmore, Alyssa, Katrina Guymon and Jamie Adair--you're it!


Alyssa said...

Man those babies are cute! I don't know what it is but Nicholas just looks so much like Mark to me. Even though his head is much rounder than Mark's.

Jamie said...

Wow Linds! I figured it would be full, but I guess I didn't even think about the fact that the twins aren't even in the same diapers. Crazy! They are growing so fast. Is Nic moving yet?


Ohhhh, they are so cute! It is quiet amazing what you can get in your purse/bag, good thing we can by all sizes. It will be awhile before we can use those little purses we use to. I will have to check out what is in my bag.

Kyle and Marci said...

Oh my goodness, I just love your little family! Your kids are adorable, and call me crazy but I want twins! I bet you are so busy. Your family is gorgeous!

Brad and Lezlee Strong said...

So I did the tag lindz. Your bag was much much more fun to read! I can remember packing that bad boy when we went out for 2 hours! You are amazing! Your babies are getting so big! I can't believe how much Nick has changed! I love how you are spiking his hair too! Thanks for always picking up the phone when I call! I am sure you are always wondering what drama I have for you! Love ya! You are the greatest sister!

Brian Adair Fam said...

How can I compete with that!! I think this was the best "baggie taggie" I've seen!! I'll try to take my bag's picture tomorrow! :0)

Matt and Allyson said...

Linds, I have that same bag...so cute! Except mine is a little bit smaller! I don't have to carry around quite so much. COngrats on the new house. I hope hope hope we can come visit.